It’s easy with SpotOn Review Management.

Know what customers are saying when they leave reviews of your restaurant. Find out where to improve operations. Monitor and respond to customers on Facebook, Yelp, Trip Advisor and other platforms from SpotOn’s back office suite.

spoton review management

Answering reviews is vital for any restaurant.

Take action and respond to all of your customers. It’s seamless with SpotOn Review Management. See the numbers behind customer behavior and reviews.

Customers that trust online reviews as much as a recommendation
Customers that are scared away by 1-3 negative reviews
Unhappy customers will return if their complaint is resolved quickly
Customers that will leave a review if prompted
Get notified whenever a new review is written

Receive an alert when new reviews are written. Find all your reviews in one dashboard. Easily shift to reviews sites in order to respond. Monitor your reputation.

sync yelp, trip advisor, facebook and other platforms

Take on the Yelpers, yappers, and amateur food critic reviewers. Sync popular platforms all in to one easy to use dashboard. Login on any device and take action swiftly.

resolve bad experiences and improve customer service

Nothing is worse than a bad review. Even worse – not responding to it! Answer customers’ bad reviews in order to show professionalism and great customer service.

improve your serp ranking

Responding to customer reviews can help improve your SERP, or search engine ranking position.

get better local seo status

Help get found faster in local SEO searches like ‘Best Date Night Restaurant in Town’.

enhance your google business profile

Google rewards Business Profile users that actively respond to reviews by ranking them higher in search results.

let customers be heard

Make customers feel heard and appreciated in order to resolve situations and prompt for them to come back.

It’s al included with SpotOn’s monthly subscription! Get your free demo!